Blog For Rent

Idealist by nature... Corporate slave by circumstance.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Eugenics, anyone?

Saturday nights I was spending some quality time with 3 of my best friends. Somehow the topic of genocide came up and I was amazed that my friends had no clue that genocide was not a one time thing known as the holocaust. They had no idea that the world has a long dark history of genocide and that it’s still going on today, right as we speak. I’ve always been interested in genocide, more from the perpetrators point of view, rather than the victims. I guess it’s because I don’t understand how people can treat others in such a way and if I look at it from their prospective, it might shed some light. It never does, the people who mastermind these atrocities are perverse beings that cannot even be called human. It’s not something people like to talk about or even acknowledge its existence, but its here, it’s now and it doesn’t go away by itself. There have been genocides that happened a hundred years ago that countries and their governments are refusing to recognize.
The Genocide Convention came to action in 1951 following an abundance of genocides across the globe, some of those are:
The German Southwest Africa 1904-1908 Genocide of Hereros
Ottoman Turkey 1915-1923 Genocide of Armenians & Assyrians
USSR 1932-1934 Soviet Genocide/Famine in Ukraine (Holodomor)
Nazi Occupied Europe 1941-1945 Genocide of Jews (Shoan/Holocaust)
Nazi Occupied Europe 1941-1945 Genocide of Roma-Sinti (Parajmos)
After WWII the world vowed “NEVER AGAIN”. Never again would we allow such atrocities inflicted on the 6 million Jews, and the estimated 5.5 million non-Jews, including hundreds of thousands of Romani (Gypsies), Polish nationals, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political criminals and others, that were systematically murdered.
Twenty years after the convention a new wave of hatred began. Twenty years after we swore to one another that no other living person would ever have to witness or endure murder on such a large, systematic scale again- it happened.
East Pakistan 1971: East Bengal Genocide
Burundi 1972: Selective Genocide of Hutus.
Cambodia 1975-1979: Khumer Rouse “Killing Fields” and Genocide
Guatemala 1981-1983: Maya Highlands Genocide
Iraq 1987-1988: Anfal campaign in Kurdistan (Kurd Genocide)
Bosnia 1992-1995: Serb “Entickno Ciscenje” Genocide of Bosnian Muslims
Rwanda 1994: Azuku “Hutu Power” Genocide of Tutsis
Right now, while we enjoy our generally peaceful lives, Darfur, Sudan’s land is soaking in blood. Since the Bush administration first recognized the problem more than 250,000 people have died. A militant group call the Janjaweed aim to rid the region of its native African people and replace them with Arab Herders.
A prominent group called is now saying that genocide is becoming a very real threat in places such as Chad (spreading from Sudan), Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Burma and Uzbekistan. It makes no sense to me what is so undesirable about these people that would lead these people to want to exterminate them like pests.
For most Americans issues like this seem so far away, so out of reach. We may not be as innocent as most think. Most probably never heard about the American corporate philanthropies launched a national campaign of ethnic cleansing in the United States, helped found and fund the Nazi eugenics of Hitler and Mengele — and then created the modern movement of "human genetics." Maybe you should educate yourself:


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